Friday, June 6, 2008


"Serendipity: The faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident."

Being in the right place at the right time.

In the article titled "Your Best Life is Waiting," posted on, Martha Beck writes:

"...recall the coincidences, strokes of 'luck,' generosity from other people or inspired ideas that helped you fulfill that desire."

In other words, recall the times that serendipity worked for you.

I made a list today and found an astounding connection in my life.

The story:

Not too many months after my last marriage ended, I became very motivated to improve my income. Sending my resume out, I gathered all my chutzpah and aimed high.

Weeks went by. I made the requisite follow up calls but nothing happened. Finally, at a moment when I was at the end of my psychic rope, I landed the job of my heart's desire with the one company I most wanted to work for. Elation.

18 months later I left that dream job exhausted, unhappy and sure that I had made a terrible mistake. Another entry on my long list of screw ups. Further proof that I could not be trusted to make decisions for myself. My inner voice was warped, retarded or just crazy.

Fast-forward to today, 6 years later and my list of wonderful things that have happened in the last 5 years.

The astonishing revelation: 7 out of 10 things on my list can be directly traced to people I met at that job or decisions I made based on that job. 7 of those things would not have happened if it weren't for that job.

That is the damned truth and I am shocked and pleased to discover it.

Today's prayer:

Dear God,

Sorry I doubted that bit of Divine wisdom. I'll start paying more attention to that inner voice (you). Thanks for everything.

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Relevant Reading

  • Discover the Power Within You; Eric Butterworth
  • Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway; Susan Jeffers
  • Loving what is: Four Questions that Can Change Your Life
  • Man's Search for Meaning; Viktor Frankl
  • Mindfulness and Meaningful Work; edited by Claude Whitmyer
  • The New Earth; Eckhart Tolle
  • The Power of Now; Eckhart Tolle