Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ok, took a hiatus to assess my life and put some things in order. Why does it seem so hard to write after only 3 weeks? I think about writing all the time. Topics and ideas float around in my head constantly. I think the difference between a writer and a wannabe is more about hard work than talent.

While I was doing all this - ahem - productive thinking about writing, I came up with a list of ideas for the blog and it seems all the ideas can be brought back to a central theme: Why Are We Here? What are we supposed to be doing with our time on earth?

As I was meditating the other day, I received a strange message. It said, "Your job is to be the happiest person on the planet."


How am I going to make money being the happiest person on the planet?

Besides, what kind of dumb job is that? It certainly doesn't take a lot of skill to be The Happiest Person on the Planet. Does it? Besides, I am sure there is some 80-year old wise man living on a much more enlightened continent who already has that job sewn up.

But that's the message, folks, "Be Happy."

In my last post I listed the agreed-upon formula for happiness. I also noted that one had to get rid of any blocks to happiness. In the three weeks since I last posted I learned another valuable lesson about happiness: "Quit trying so damn hard."

The message I got didn't tell me to go out and do anything. It said, "be." Specifically, "be happy."

That sounds like a lifetime assignment. I'm getting started.

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Relevant Reading

  • Discover the Power Within You; Eric Butterworth
  • Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway; Susan Jeffers
  • Loving what is: Four Questions that Can Change Your Life
  • Man's Search for Meaning; Viktor Frankl
  • Mindfulness and Meaningful Work; edited by Claude Whitmyer
  • The New Earth; Eckhart Tolle
  • The Power of Now; Eckhart Tolle